
Patricia D. Wright
Notary Public
tel: 604.682.8988
Pat learned early that although life sometimes includes some pretty rough blows; hard work, perseverance and dedication do pay off. When she was only three, Pat’s father was killed in a logging accident. Her mother was left with three young girls to take care of, and a mountain of bills.
When she looks back, Pat remembers her mother’s strength. It certainly wasn’t easy for her; working long hours pulling lumber and raising three young children but she did it. Pat grew up knowing that with hard work and commitment she could leap any hurdle.
Pat jumped into the complex and constantly challenging world of conveyancing right out of high school. After a few years of working as a legal secretary Pat learned a few things: that attention to detail is essential, that real estate laws and markets change almost daily and most importantly; that although buying a house is one of the biggest decisions in any person’s life – it doesn’t have to be intimidating as well. Pat vowed when she set out to get her seal that her clients would feel comfortable at every step of the process – and maybe even have a little fun.
Pat has been practicing (and having fun) in her downtown Vancouver office since 1982. When her schedule allows she enjoys sharing what she has learned with others. Over the years she has provided real estate and mortgage tutorials for new notaries, taught conveyancing for legal secretaries and has spoken at notary conventions.
Pat currently enjoys serving on the Board of Directors for The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia, which includes serving on several committees. She particularly enjoys mentoring the new Notaries as they enter into this exciting profession.
On those few occasions when Pat is not in the office she can be found with her husband James, striving to create the perfect martini.